You know those individual cheese covered in wax, right?
I was just tossing the wax part out till my daughter insisted making a candle out of it.
She was fiddling the wax in her warm hands for a while - which made the wax to soften - and she shaped it into a stick. She asked me to put a wick in it so I just gave her a cotton thread & we wrapped it in the wax. Both my husband & I didn't think it would burn properly, so we placed it on the table as a centerpiece and forgot about the candle for a while.
One night, when my daughter's friend & my friend came over for a dessert, they complimented her creation & we gave it a try: It worked!!! Just like a normal candle. Pretty genius - she turned what we usually throw away into an useful object.
You never can underestimate the little ones' flexible thinking & creativity.
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