August 31, 2012

A New Kindergartner!

So my daughter started Kindergarten this week.

It is a big change for us tiny family.
After I sent her out on the first day, I really didn't know what to do with this LONG stretch of time. 7 hours without her!? I never had that much time for myself after she was born. Instead of laying back, I went crazy - cleaned the house, did the laundry, worked on my projects... but even after all that were done, it was ONLY 11:30 in the morning!?  Yes, the first day - and the rest of the week - was exhausting. Just felt so long.

After surfing some local stores and the internet (using this plenty of time) and had trouble finding a perfect backpack for my little kindergardener, I decided to make one from scratch.

Okay, let me admit it - it's not perfect - there is a big room for improvement as this is my first time designing a backpack and I learned a lot in the making process. But my daughter seem to like her first "big-girl-backpack" and it does look cute and is functional. I'm satisfied - for now.

Big Girl Backpack with grey cotton canvas & pink webbing.
There is a inner pocket with a zipper, too!

A proud & stylish Kindergartner!

August 23, 2012






今回のbunNYはお友達が提供してくれた、彼の着古したコーデュロイ・パンツをアップサイクルしました。色味は落ち着いたグレーがいかにもメンズらしく気に入っています。オレンジの耳はマリメッコの端切れ、ピンクは北欧出身のLotta Jansdotterの布で娘の仲良しのお洋服を作った時に出たハギレです。どれもそのまま行ったらゴミだったかもしれないけど、こんなかわいいウサに生まれ変わりました。



happy making!

August 12, 2012

more bib making

Printing lots of fabric today to make things for hatched and babyNOIR.
Usually, I use an iron to heat-set the paint, but I tried the oven method today and it seems to work. A lot easier than ironing for 5 minutes.

Also, I re-discovered that linen IS really absorbent and quick drying. I lay my clean, wet brush on a scrap piece of linen and it drew water out of the brush very quickly. I also feel that the paint settles easier into the fibers of fabric than cotton. I love linen.

Drying the first color. 

Finished the 3rd color.

Having fun with leftover paint.

August 5, 2012

Art for Tots at noguchi museum

Ever since we learned about this special children's workshops held at noguchi museum in L.I.C., we have been attending the ones conducted in Japanese as much as we can.

Today, Kiliko learned about patterns by creating her own tote.

posing with Isamu Noguchi's sculptures
Harumi, the teacher, always gives us a fun, child-friendly project, which also guides the kids toward the subject of the workshop. I love her choice of materials & ideas. They make it possible for our children to finish the artwork in time, but still give the little ones some challenges. I actually enjoy working on the projects as much as Kiliko does.

Jessica, her assistant, is also there for your child and she is always warm and welcoming.

They offer many different children's workshops and some of them are drop-in programs. The museum is like a city oasis with Noguchi's sculptures spaciously exhibited though out the building & the garden.

A highly recommended destination if you are in New York City.


August 3, 2012

Back to NY





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