October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011






October 24, 2011

Greeting card making class!

Getting ready for my class this Thursday!
I cut out lots of samples.

This time, we are trying "Monkiri-gata",
a type of paper-cutting technique developed
by Japanese graphic designers in 1800s. 

It will be in Astoria, from 6pm - 8pm, on October 27th. 
The fee is only $12 and materials are included!
To register, please visit Creators' Co-Op website and find "Making Greeting Cards with Japanese designs".

October 22, 2011

Back to School Poem


When children come home at the end of the day,
The question they're asked as they scurry to play
Is, "Tell me what you did today?"
Perhaps the answer they give makes you sigh with dismay.
"Nothing, I did nothing today!"
Perhaps nothing means that I played with blocks,
Or counted to ten, or sorted some rocks.
Maybe I painted a picture of red and blue
Or heard a story of a mouse that flew.
Maybe I watched the gerbils eat today,
Or went outside on the swings to play.
Maybe today was the very first time
That my scissors follwed a very straight line
Maybe I lead a song from beginning to end,
Or played with a special brand new friend.

When you're in pre-kindergarten
And your heart has wings,
"Nothing" can mean so many things!

This was given to the parents on one of the first days my daughter was back to school. 
I especially like the last three lines.

We should all remember,
Once in a while,
That our hearts have wings, too!

October 15, 2011

Kaiju Big Battel in Brooklyn








October 7, 2011

baby booties

I made this in August for my cousin's baby in Italy.

it worths my not-enough-sleep-nights!
(well, if you are a mom, you don't get much sleep anyway.)

October 2, 2011

Nice work!

Here are some pictures of my very first crochet student and a good friend Amy's work.
The first day she came to my workshop, she said she was frustrated with even doing the chain. Though it didn't discourage her from doing it and she kept assigning herself newer and slightly more challenging projects every time. Now look at what she can do.

She has also been working on a blanket which has been getting slightly bigger every time I visit her apartment. I'm so impressed with her steady enthusiasm.

This is a good example that even little by little, if you keep doing it, it will take you somewhere.

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