April 28, 2011

It's almost mother's day...

Spring is here and so as the showers.
Despite the weather, cheer your heart with the flowers.
Celebrate your mom and motherhood!

Daffodil Mother's Day card
Available at my online shop and at the Creators' Co-Op, Astoria, NY.

Happy Mother's Day!

April 23, 2011

Lots of spring & summer colors at Creators' Co-Op

Come and see some new designs at Creators' Co-Op!
Store owner Kazuki Kozuru-Salifoska's BabySOLAIRE has a line of unique dresses for kids that bursts in summery colors, as the brand name suggests. They are also very comfortable and great for your active princess, and perfect for you moms who are looking for something different.

My new cards at the store.

hope blank card: drawings of people by Kiliko.
I originally made this design for Love & Hope from NY fundraising event.

* * *
Rack of babySORAILE dresses.
My favorite from babySOLAIRE: flower morph dress.
This design comes in solid colors also.

Creators' Co-Op
26-16 23rd Ave
Astoria, NY 11105
W 12-7
Th-Sat 12-8
Sun 12-6


April 19, 2011


Japanese fresh strawberry cake is the best.
This cake is from Takahachi Bakery in lower Manhattan.


April 12, 2011

some crochet works

Last time I went home, I learned how to crochet from my 90-year-old grandmother, mainly because I wanted to try making those crochet dish-scrubber that she has been supplying me for over a decade. I've heard from my friends & sister that both knitting & crocheting are very addictive: I got hooked.

There's something about it: movements of your fingers and the needle, focusing on them, and the fact that this yarn transforms into an object, a surface, or a hat. I feel a trace of history in human creativity in this quiet yet satisfying action.

With some help from my grandma, my littlest sister, my mom, and a book I borrowed from her, I managed to read the diagrams and tried these on my own after coming back to the States:

The one in the middle is my first try of a square motif. 
It is perfect for my little sheep.

April 6, 2011

Fundraising for Children

This coming Saturday, April 10th, I'll be selling my greeting cards as a part of fundraising for children who have lost parents in Japan's Tsunami & Earthquake. My friend will be selling cute baby hats she knitted. Map & information below. (Please scroll down for English.)

Hope to see you there!

View Larger Map

LOVE and HOPE from NY: For Children in Japan

Charity Fundraising for children who lost parents and families in the Earthquake and Tsunami.

Please come to join NY Japanese Moms’ charity fundraising for a fun-filled day of Japanese-themed kids’ and grownup activities!

All proceeds will go directly to Earthquake/Tsunami Relief by Ashinaga, a NPO dedicated to supporting children who lost parents.

Date: April 10th (Sun) 1pm to 4pm
(rain day is April 17th , 1pm to 4pm)
Place: St. Marks Church in-the-Bowery
131 East 10th Street, NY, NY 10003 (E. 10th St and 2nd Ave.)


Fun for Kids!
●Send a card in English or Japanese to a friend affected by the Earthquake
●Learn how to fold origami
●Decorate a fan with Japanese Washi paper
●Try Ikebana (Flower arrangement)
●Try calligraphy
●Kami karakuri (Paper trick arts) show
●Songs and story time
●Puppet show

●Music (traditional and others)
●Kendo (martial art)
●Dance and more!

Charity Sale
●Greeting cards, kids’ items, accessories, stationery, Japanese decorative items, pottery, T-shirts, baked goods and more!

Silent Auction
●Gift cards from restaurants and businesses
●Kids classes of Ballet, Yoga, etc!
●Acupuncture/Massage treatments
●Sweets sets
●Japanese ceramics and crafts
●Bags and apparel
●And MORE!
Open Bid:1pm to 3pm

NY Japanese Moms: http://nymoms.exblog.jp/ NYmamama@hotmail.com 
Special thanks to St. Marks Church in-the-Bowery
- Love and Hope from NY

April 3, 2011

From New York with Love


前出のKaiju Big Battelの「 Kaiju loves Japan」Tシャツ、なんとか来週末のタイムズ・スクエアでのショーに間に合いそう!このデザインの販売利益は全て日本国際交流センターを通し、Give Oneの東北関東大震災/緊急支援パッケージに寄付されます。とりあえず、初回生産の60枚を売り切ることが目標。たくさんのニューヨーカーに買ってもらい、ヨレヨレになるまで着てもらいたい。


【Kaiju Big Battle Presents: "When Danger Comes to Town"】


場所:B.B. King Blues Club & Grill,  237 West 42 St,  Manhattan,  NY. (地図
チケット: $15.00 in advance, $18.00 day of show. All Ages Admitted.
More info: kaiju.com



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